If all four Stellar Mics activate during recording, even when you intend to use fewer, it could be due to a discharged charging case. The charging case plays a key role in detecting docked mics, and when it’s out of power, the system assumes all mics are in use. This article explains why this happens and how to resolve it.
Check that the Charging Case has charge:
The Charging case's battery indicator should be green or white on the Space Recorder display, as seen in the photo below:

The charging case LED should not blink orange or red, but be off. See this article for a detailed description of the LED behavior.
Steps to Resolve the Issue:
To ensure proper mic detection, follow these steps to charge the Charging Case correctly:
- Charge the Charging Case – Connect it to a power source and look for a white pulsating LED next to the USB port. If it takes very long to charge or it does not charge at all, try using a different charger.
- Confirm Full Charge – Wait until the charging case LED turns solid white and the Space Recorder display indicates a full battery.
- Verify Mic Registration – Undock and dock the Stellar Mics. They should now correctly update their status as docked or undocked on the Space Recorder display.
Understanding the Space Recorder display:
Undock and dock the Stellar Mic's a few times to check that they change position on the Space Recorder display. See the photo below:
- Undocked Stellar Mic's will be placed above the Charging Case in the list and will have a grey background as well as a wireless signal-strength icon next to the battery level.
- When the Space Recorder is not in the Charging Case, or whenever the Charging Case has ran out of battery completely, there will be no battery information shown on the Space Recorder display.
- Docked Stellar Mics will be at the bottom of the list, beneath the Charging Case, and will be shown as either charging or fully charged. There will be no wireless signal-strength icon shown on docked Stellar Mic's.