This article will guide you through what to do if your Sound Capsule runs into a particular problem during an update.
Issue: Screen Stuck After an Update (Part 1)
If you encounter this error screen during an update, follow these steps:
Place the Space Recorder and all four Stellar Mics into the Charging Case.
Confirm that the Charging Case and all components have sufficient battery.
- Observe that the LEDs on all four Stellar Mics are pulsating slowly with their respective colors.
- Observe that there is no orange LED light next to the USB charging port on the charging case whilst the USB cable is not inserted.
- Observe either pulsating or steady white light on the USB charging port on the charging case whilst the USB cable is inserted.
Wait a few moments to see if the on-screen message changes.
When the message prompts you, press the up arrow button to continue.
Refer to the Screen Stuck After an Update (Part 2) section below if your Sound Capsule screen changes but still does not operate as normal.
Issue: Screen Stuck After an Update (Part 2)
If your Sound Capsule is stuck on the following screen, you will need to perform a factory reset. A factory reset is done from the settings page in the Companion App.
The Factory Reset process will in this case differ slightly from the normal procedure. Follow along to this step-by-step guide to get your Sound Capsule out of this state:
Step 1 - Select Sound Capsule and Complete Initial Setup
From within the Companion App, select your Sound Capsule from the list of nearby devices.
Afterwards you will be prompted to:
- Name your Sound Capsule
- Connect to a nearby WiFi network
Step 2 - Verify Sound Capsule
In order to continue you must verify your Sound Capsule. This step is not going to look like it normally does. The Sound Capsule will not display the verification code during this process, as the screen is still stuck as shown above.
Important: You must proceed with this step despite observing no apparent change on the Sound Capsule display.
- Press "Continue" to verification
- Press "Continue" when the pop-up window appears
- Press "Confirm" to confirm the code - despite it not being shown on the Sound Capsule screen
- Press "Cancel" in the top left corner when the setup is complete.
Step 3 - Enter Settings
Once inside the Sound Capsule's main control page in the Companion App, press the settings symbol in the top right corner to enter the Sound Capsule settings page.
If there is no connection with any of the Stellar Mics, you must head back to the Red Screen with "No Kit Config" Message section above, and complete the steps outlined there before proceeding.
Step 4 - Erase Sound Capsule
Once inside the Sound Capsule settings page you can press "Erase Sound Capsule" to complete the factory reset process.
The Sound Capsule will reboot and once it restores power you should be able to set it up like a brand new Sound Capsule, by following this guide.
Still having issues?
If a Factory Reset is unsuccessful, please contact Nomono Support.To expedite the support, please provide the following details:
Sound Capsule Serial Number (found in the Companion App or underneath the Charging Case)
Attach a clear photograph of the screen displaying the issue to your support request.
Ensure a network name and IP address are visible in the grayed-out field shown on the photo above.
Keep the Sound Capsule powered on and connected:
Leave your Sound Capsule switched on and charging with all components docked.
Maintain a stable and strong network connection for remote troubleshooting.
Need More Help?
If none of these troubleshooting steps resolve your issue, reach out to Nomono Support for further assistance. Following the steps above will help ensure a smooth and fast resolution.
Keeping your Sound Capsule updated is key to maintaining its top-notch performance—thank you for taking the time to ensure your kit is always running at its best!